
To isolate the folder that's causing disk space issue, follow this KB article.

If the disk space issue is caused by /opt/trend/imss/temp folder, you can move that folder to a bigger partition to prevent the disk space issue from happening in the future.

To change IMSVA's temp directory location:

  1. Go to /var/app_data:

    cd /var/app_data

  2. Create temp folder:

    mkdir temp

  3. Open imss.ini to change the directory of temp directory used by IMSVA:

    vi /opt/trend/imss/config/imss.ini

  4. Look for temp_dir and change the value to /var/app_data/temp. It should look like the following:


  5. Save and exit vi by pressing the "ESC" key, and then typing "/wq!".
  6. Restart IMSS service for the change to take effect:

    S99IMSS restart

To modify the cronjob cleaning up temp directory:

  1. Edit cronjob script:

    vi /var/spool/cron/root

  2. Change the temp directory. It should look like the following:

    Find /var/app_data/temp/scan -mtime +2 -exec rm{}\;

  3. Save and exit vi by pressing the "ESC" key, and then typing "/wq!".