To create a rule based on digital signature:
Get the file's Certificate Information.
You may use SignCheck, a Windows Sysinternals File Utility that can be used to display digital signature details of a file or an application; or you may just open the properties of a file to know its certificate information. To do this, follow these steps:- Browse the file using Windows Explorer.
- Right-click on the file and click Properties.
- Go to Digital Signatures tab and click Details.
- Click View Certificate.
- In the Certificate dialog box, go to the Details tab and select the Issuer or Subject fields to view the the information that will be used to match applications based on Certificates in EAC.
Create "Certificates" match rule.
- Log on to the EAC Web Management Console.
- Go to the Management tab and select Rules.
- Click +Add Rule and select Allow or Blockto edit the rule.
- In the edit rule page, select Certificatesin the "Match using" drop-down menu.
- Configure the Issuer and Subject certificate information to match the file's digital certificate obtained in "I. Get the File's Certificate Information"
- Click Saveto finish.