To resolve the issue, remove the logs accumulated and apply IWSVA 6.5 SP2 Patch 2:
Remove the accumulated logs
- Log into IWSVA via ssh as root.
Delete report_log* or Move report_log* to another device for archiving
Option 1: Delete report_log*
Delete the accumulated report logs that cause the over stacking of the CommonLog service:
#rm -frv /var/iwss/log/report_log*
If you delete the logs, you will not be able to retrieve this data anymore. -
Option 2 (recommended action): Move report_log* to another device for archiving.
You can use WinSCP to navigate to /var/iwss/log/ move all report_log* to a separate device.
Restart the CommonLog and Proxy daemons:
/usr/iwss/S99ISCommonLog restart
/usr/iwss/S99ISproxy stop
/usr/iwss/S99ISproxy startThese commands will restart the corresponding IWSVA daemons so perform these steps when no traffic will be affected by the proxy being down for a few minutes.
Update IWSVA 6.5 Service Pack 2 by installing Hot fix 1608 to permanently resolve the issue, however, it is recommended to apply Patch 2 (Build 1765) where Hot Fix 1608 is included.
Refer to the following links:
- Download and apply IWSVA 6.5 SP2 Patch 2.
- Take time to check the Readme file for installation.