
Do the following:

  1. Run ..\Apex One\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\PLM\PLMSetup.exe then click Next.


    Click the image to enlarge.

  2. Choose Remove to uninstall Plug-in Manager.


    Click the image to enlarge.

  3. Click Next > Remove.
  4. Wait until the uninstallation process is completed, then click Finish.

    Uninstall Complete

    Click the image to enlarge.

  5. Open Registry Editor and check if the Trend Micro Plug-in Manager key is deleted.
  6. Run PLMSetup.exe again then click Next.

    Install PLM

    Click the image to enlarge.

  7. Click Install to begin the installation.
  8. Once the installation process is completed, click Finish.

    PLM Installation Complete

    Click the image to enlarge.

  9. Log in to the Apex One web console then check if PLM was installed successfully by going to Logs > Server update.
    If you encountered the page below when accessing the Plugins, wait for some minutes for the programs to display.

    PLM Note

    Click the image to enlarge.


For more Apex One related web console troubleshooting steps, please refer to the following KB articles: