
To deploy a hot fix:

  1. Install the hot fix:
    1. Extract the patch .exe file.
    2. Modify the hotfix.ini in filegroup1. Add servers as “Server=ServerA,Server B,Server C”.

      These should be the servers you want to deploy first. If you do not want to deploy first to all servers, just deploy to the NS on the same IS. If you leave it blank, it will deploy to all NS.

    3. Run tmpatch.exe.
  2. After the initial deployment, deploy it to the other servers as well:
    1. Open \Sprotect\Hotfix\hotfix.ini.
    2. Specify the next set of servers to deploy by modifying the "Server=" field and adding the servers there (e.g. "Server=ServerD,ServerE").
    3. Set "Read=0".
    4. Save the file. This will initiate the deployment of the hot fix to the other NS.
    5. If "Read=1", then the deployment should already be in progress or already finished.
  3. Repeat step 2 until all NS are updated.