
To repack the OpenSSL Debian package for Ubuntu 10.04:

  1. Install SafeSync for Enterprise 2.1 Service Pack 1 (Build
  2. Download the following OpenSSL source packages:
  3. Find the configuration option for ./configure while building OpenSSL manually.
    1. Run the following command:

      tar zxvf openssl-1.0.1u.tar.gz
      tar zxvf openssl_1.0.1-4ubuntu5.38.debian.tar.gz -C openssl-1.0.1u
      cd openssl-1.0.1u

    2. Find the option at line 38 in debian/rules:

      vim debian/rules

      CONFARGS = --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/lib/ssl --libdir=lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 zlib enable-tlsext no-ssl2 $(ARCH_CONFARGS)

    3. Retrieve the option value after changing the variable.

      CONFARGS = --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/lib/ssl --libdir=lib no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 zlib enable-tlsext no-ssl2 enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128

    4. Refer to ./INSTALL file and add the Shared option to create shared libraries on platforms.

      CONFARGS = --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/lib/ssl --libdir=lib no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 zlib enable-tlsext no-ssl2 enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 shared

  4. Build OpenSSL using the commands below:

    ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/lib/ssl --libdir=lib no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 zlib enable-tlsext no-ssl2 enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128a shared
    make depend
    make install

  5. Verify the new settings.
    1. Check the version using the command "openssl version". The expected result should be:
      OpenSSL 1.0.1u 22 Sep 2016 
    2. Check the shared libraries using the command "ldd /usr/bin/openssl". The expected result should be: =>  (0x00007fff289f9000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f7264c61000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f7264885000) => /lib/ (0x00007f7264677000) => /lib/ (0x00007f7264460000) => /lib/ (0x00007f72640dd000)
      /lib64/ (0x00007f7264ec8000)
  6. Install the dpkg-repack file.

    cd /home/safesync
    dpkg -i dpkg-repack_1.37_all.deb

  7. Repack the OpenSSL Debian package.
    1. Update the version of OpenSSL:

      sed -i 's/Version: 1.0.1h-1/Version: 1.0.1u/' /var/lib/dpkg/status

    2. Modify the file list by appending "/usr/lib/ssl" and "/usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf".

      sed -i '/\/usr\/lib\/ \/usr\/lib\/ssl\n\/usr\/lib\/ssl\/openssl.cnf' /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssl.list

      The result should be similar to the following:

    3. Run the dpkg-repack file using the command "dpkg-repack openssl". The expected result should be:
      dpkg-repack: Skipping obsolete conffile /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
      dpkg-deb: building package `openssl' in `./openssl_1.0.1u_amd64.deb'
  8. Verify the repacked Debian package.
    1. Install the repacked Debian package on a newly installed SSFE 2.1 SP1.
      dpkg -i openssl_1.0.1u_amd64.deb
      (Reading database ... 86633 files and directories currently installed.)
      Preparing to replace openssl 1.0.1h-1 (using openssl_1.0.1u_amd64.deb) ...
      Unpacking replacement openssl ...
      Setting up openssl (1.0.1u) ...
    2. Check the version of the OpenSSL Debian package.

      dpkg -l | grep openssl

      It should show "ii openssl 1.0.1u Package created with checkinstall 1.6.1."