
If the new hard disk is already recognized by IWSVA, skip the first step and go to step 2. You can confirm it using the following command:

# ls /dev/sd*

  1. Add a new hard disk on IWSVA VM. If it is the second disk, its name would be /dev/sdb. For the third disk, it would be /dev/sdc.

    1. Use the command to list all available partitions:

      # ls /dev/sd*

    2. Determine which SCSI host is in use:

      # grep mpt /sys/class/scsi_host/host?/proc_name

      The command will return a line such as "/sys/class/scsi_host/host0/proc_name:mptspi". In this example, the SCSI host is "host0".

    3. Then rescan the bus by informing the SCSI host that has been determined in the previous step. The 3 “-” are acting as wildcards to represent the “Channel, SCSI ID and LUN” that are available on a SCSI host.

      # echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

    4. Repeat the command to list all available partitions and note that the new disc is now listed. In this example, the new disk is /dev/sdb.

      # ls /dev/sd*

      new disk

  2. Create a partition and change its type to Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM):

    # fdisk /dev/sdb

    • Type n = add new partition
    • Type p = primary
    • Type 1 = only one partition
    • Press Enter to use the Default First cylinder
    • Press Enter to use the Default Last cylinder
    • Type w = Save the changes

    create a partition

  3. List all available partitions and note that the new partition is now listed. In this case the new partition is /dev/sdb1:

    # ls /dev/sd*

  4. Run the command "mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1" to format /dev/sdb1.

    # mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1

    Make sure to type the right partition. Otherwise, this command will format the incorrect partition and damage the IWSVA installation.


  5. On the IWSVA WebUI, go to Logs > Log Settings. On the Mount device field, enter the new "/var/offload" device /dev/sdb1 then click Mount.

    The purge days must be more than 45.

    On the Store logs for field, enter "45". Select the Log Offload checkbox then click Save.

    mount the new device