
Windows alerts and VPM logging provide warnings and notifications if the allocated memory is too low. To resolve the issue, increase the RAM available to the VPM.

To configure VPM's maximum memory usage:

The VPM default setting for memory allocated to the Manager JVM process is 4GB. It is possible to change this setting.

  1. Go to the VPM install directory (the same directory as VPM executable).
  2. Create a new file and give it the following name:

    “Vulnerability Protection Manager.vmoptions”

  3. Edit the file by adding the line: " –Xmx8g " (in this example, "8g" will make 8GB memory available to the VPM.)

    The value provided should not exceed the available memory of the host machine.
  4. Save the file and restart the VPM Service.
  5. You can verify the new setting by going to Administration > System Information and in the System Details area, expand Manager Node > Memory. The Maximum Memory value should now indicate the new configuration setting.