
What's New

  1. Enhanced Platform Support
    • Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (Version 1709)
  2. Update Agent Connections
    • You can configure OfficeScan agents to use HTTPS protocol when using an Update Agent as the update source.
  3. Behavior Monitoring Exception List
    • Enhancements to the Exception List support the use of wildcard characters.
  4. Predictive Machine Learning
    • Predictive Machine Learning has been enhanced to detect malicious script execution.
  5. Cloud Synchronization Channel for Ransomware Detections
    • OfficeScan agents detect ransomware downloaded through supported cloud synchronization channels.
  6. Proxy Settings Enhancement
    • All proxy settings for both the OfficeScan server and OfficeScan agents have been consolidated in the same location.
  7. Suspicious Object Lists
    • OfficeScan supports the detection of Suspicious Domain Objects through integration with Control Manager.
  8. OfficeScan Data Protection Enhancements
    • Templates that help support GDPR compliance
    • User-based Device Control (through integration with Control Manager)
If you will be moving agents from an OfficeScan XG server to an XG SP1 server, please apply Critical Patch 1737_R1 first on the OfficeScan XG source server to avoid agent upgrade issues after moving.

Additional Information

OfficeScan Documents Center

OfficeScan Support Page

An introduction to the new features were included in the Administrator Guide.

For support assistance, please contact Trend Micro Technical Support.