
TPS: Procedure

  1. Login to the TPS LSM.
  2. On the LSM click on Monitor > Logs > "Log Name".
  3. On the log page, click the Download icon. The Download Log page appears.
  4. In the Log Entry section, specify one of the following criteria for which log entries will be included in the downloaded file:
    • All: Downloads all entries in the current and historical log files
    • Time Range: Downloads all entries within the specified dates and times.
    • ID Range: Downloads all logs with Log ID numbers within the specified range.
  5. In the Format section, select one or both boxes for file format options:
    • Tab delimited format (txt): Saves the file as a tab-delimited file.
    • Comma delimited format (csv): Saves the file as a comma-delimited file.
  6. Select Open in Browser if required.
  7. Click Ok.


Reference: Local Security Manager User's Guide