To resolve the issue:
- Back up your database.
- Stop the Deep Security Manager service.
- Run the following SQL query to list all machines for manual or scheduled scan in progress:
SELECT * FROM antimalwarehosts WHERE
(AntiMalwareManualScanState!=0 AND AntiMalwareManualScanState<6) or
(Antimalwarescheduledscanstate!=0 AND AntiMalwareScheduledScanState<6)Below are the possible values of ScanState:
- 0 All Scan: Neutral
- 1 Scheduled Scan: Requested By the system upon the schedule
- 2 Scheduled Scan: Enqueued at the Agent
- 3 Scheduled Scan: In Progress
- 4 Scheduled Scan: Paused
- 6 Cancel Scan: Requested By User
- 7 Cancel Scan: Cancellation in progress at the Agent
- Based on the query result, get the "HostID" of each machine with scan status in progress or cancel scan. Run the following SQL query in dbo.hosts table:
SELECT AgentStateCode from hosts where HostID=XXX;
Ignore those hosts with the field "AgentStateCode" equals to "501", which means offline state. Offline hosts will not be counted when displaying the "Processing X Malware Scan(s)" message on console.
- If the online client is not actually running a scan, query records from antimalwarehosts with HostID and check if there is duplicate record for the host. If yes, remove the one with scan state is not "0". If there are no duplicate records, you can update the status code as "0" by running the SQL below.
- To query for duplicate hosts:
- To update the status code to 0:
UPDATE antimalwarehosts
SET AntiMalwareScheduledScanState=0, AntiMalwareManualScanState=0
- To query for duplicate hosts: