To generate the OSCE Agent Listing, do the following:
- Logon to DB Server and open the SQL Management Studio.
- Logon to the SQL Server using your credential and click Connect.
- At the Object Explorer, expand TMCM\SQLExpress.
- Go to Databases > db_ControlManager. This is the database of Control Manager.
- Select New Query from the menu. Make sure that you are in the correct databasedb_ControlManager.
The SQL Query editor will launch.
- Copy the SQL statement below, and paste it in the SQL Query editor:
select e.EI_OS_MachineName,p.EI_OS_MachineName, e.EI_DomainName,e.EI_ClientTreePath,e.EI_IPAddressList,e.EI_State,e.PFWSetting,e.EI_OS_Name,e.EI_OS_SPVersion,e.EI_OS_Version,e.EI_OS_SPVersion,e.EI_ProductVersion,e.EI_ProductBuildNumber,e.EI_MACAddressList,e.EI_CloudScanMethod,e.EI_CloudScanMode,e.EI_LastRegistrationTime,e.LastScheduleScanUTC,e.LastManualScanUTC,e.LastScheduleScanUTC,en.SEI_EngineVersion,pt.SPI_PatternVersion,e.* from tb_EntityInfo e with(nolock) left join tb_EntityInfo p with(nolock) on e.EI_ParentID=p.EI_EntityID left join tb_AVStatusEngineInfo en with(nolock) on e.EI_EntityID=en.SEI_EntityID left join tb_AVStatusPatternInfo pt with(nolock) on e.EI_EntityID=pt.SPI_EntityID where en.SEI_EngineType=4096 and pt.SPI_PatternType=4 and e.EI_Type=2 and e.EI_ProductType=15 order by p.EI_OS_MachineName
- Click Execute or press F5.
The Query Result will be seen at the bottom of SQL Query editor.
- Export the file in CSV format. Do the following:
- Right-click on the result.
- Select the Save Results as.
- Enter the preferred file name, then select CSV as the format.
- Click Save.