
To generate the OSCE Agent Listing, do the following:

  1. Logon to DB Server and open the SQL Management Studio.
  2. Logon to the SQL Server using your credential and click Connect.
  3. At the Object Explorer, expand TMCM\SQLExpress.
  4. Go to Databases > db_ControlManager. This is the database of Control Manager.

    Object Explorer

  5. Select New Query from the menu.
    Make sure that you are in the correct databasedb_ControlManager.

    New Query

    The SQL Query editor will launch.

    Query Editor

  6. Copy the SQL statement below, and paste it in the SQL Query editor:
    select e.EI_OS_MachineName,p.EI_OS_MachineName, e.EI_DomainName,e.EI_ClientTreePath,e.EI_IPAddressList,e.EI_State,e.PFWSetting,e.EI_OS_Name,e.EI_OS_SPVersion,e.EI_OS_Version,e.EI_OS_SPVersion,e.EI_ProductVersion,e.EI_ProductBuildNumber,e.EI_MACAddressList,e.EI_CloudScanMethod,e.EI_CloudScanMode,e.EI_LastRegistrationTime,e.LastScheduleScanUTC,e.LastManualScanUTC,e.LastScheduleScanUTC,en.SEI_EngineVersion,pt.SPI_PatternVersion,e.* from tb_EntityInfo e with(nolock)  left join tb_EntityInfo p with(nolock) on e.EI_ParentID=p.EI_EntityID  left join tb_AVStatusEngineInfo en with(nolock) on e.EI_EntityID=en.SEI_EntityID  left join tb_AVStatusPatternInfo pt with(nolock) on e.EI_EntityID=pt.SPI_EntityID  where en.SEI_EngineType=4096 and pt.SPI_PatternType=4 and e.EI_Type=2 and e.EI_ProductType=15  order by p.EI_OS_MachineName  
  7. Click Execute or press F5.

    Execute Query

    The Query Result will be seen at the bottom of SQL Query editor.

    Query Result

  8. Export the file in CSV format. Do the following:
    1. Right-click on the result.
    2. Select the Save Results as.
    3. Enter the preferred file name, then select CSV as the format.
    4. Click Save.