
Do the following steps to complete the registration flow:


If you are using TMCM 7.0, applying TMCM 7.0 Patch 1 must be done first.

TMCM 7.0 Patch 1 can be downloaded from the Download Center.

For the hot fix information, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.

  1. On the TMCM/Apex Central web console, go to Administration > Managed Servers > Server Registration.

    Server Registration

  2. Choose Deep Discovery Director as the Server Type.

    Server Type

  3. Click Add then key in all DDD related information.

Take note that only one DDD can be registered to TMCM/Apex Central and a single DDD server cannot be managed by a different TMCM.

After registering, TMCM/Apex Central will issue the following requests to DDD every 10 minutes:

  • Upload Virtual Analyzer Suspicious Object (VASO) to TMCM/Apex Central.
  • Push full exception list if there is an item changed (eg: Add/Delete from TMCM/Apex Central console).

As for the User-Defined Suspicious Object (UDSO), DDD will download them every 30 seconds.