To check the current port information or set the port used for the web console, use the following command:
The following parameters can be added:
-h (lists the available parameters for splxport)
-c (retrieves the HTTPS port of the web console)
-g (retrieves the HTTP port of the web console)
-p (sets HTTP port of the web console)
-s (sets HTTPS port of the web console)
-v (retrieves the splxport version)
Below is the list of default port details for SPLX:
Port | Direction | Purpose |
14943 (HTTPS) | From Admin to SPLX | These are both ServerProtect for Linux web console ports. When two-way communication is enabled, Control Manager will communicate to port 14942 or 14943 on ServerProtect for Linux server. |
14942 (HTTP) | ||
16005 | - | This port is for IPC messages, which is used for notification program. The notification program will update the scanner status to system tray. |
1-65535 | From SPLX to Proxy or SMTP server | This port is used by ServerProtect for Linux to connect to proxy or SMTP server. |
80 | From SPLX to Control Manager | These are the default ports used by SPLX to register and listen to Control Manager. |
443 |