
Exporting TMCM Policy

  1. Log on to the TMCM console and go to Policies > Policy Management main menu.
  2. Select the Product to view and export policy from:
    • OfficeScan Agent
    • OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention
    • Trend Micro Security (for Mac)
  3. Click Export Settings and Save.
  • Do not rename the policy upon saving to successfully import it to the Apex Central server.
  • Exporting a single policy will be saved as "CMPOLICY" file format.
  • Exporting multiple policies at a time will be saved as "ZIP" file format.

Exporting Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Custom Templates

This procedure is optional. Do this if the DLP Policy contains a Custom DLP Template or a combination of both Custom and Built-in DLP Template(s).

  1. In the TMCM Console, go to Policies > Policy Resources > DLP Templates menu.
  2. Select the custom DLP Template(s) from the list, and click Export to save the file as “DAT” file format.

Importing TMCM Policy to Apex Central

  1. Log on to the Apex Central Console.
  2. (Optional) Go to Policies > Policy Resources > Policy Templates menu, and click Import. Browse to the saved TMCM DLP Template.
  3. Go to Policies > Policy Management main menu, and select which Product to view and manage:
    1. Choose "Apex One Security Agent" to import OfficeScan Agent policy.
    2. Choose "Apex One Data Loss Prevention" to import OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention policy.
    3. Choose "Apex One (Mac)" to import Trend Micro Security (for Mac) policy.
  4. Click Import Settings, and browse to the saved TMCM Policy.
  5. Click the imported Policy and review the settings.
    • Policy is just a "Draft" once imported, thus allowing an administrator to review the settings first before deployment.
    • New Tabs that do not originally exist in TMCM Policy are labeled "New" and are DISABLED by default in Apex One Security Agent Policy.
      • For Apex One (Mac) Policy, only New tabs "Device Control Settings" and "Predictive Machine Learning Settings" are ENABLED by default.
    • Existing Tabs with different looks but have the same functionality are labeled "Updated".
    • For DLP Policy:
      • Be sure to import the saved TMCM DLP Template(s) first, before the TMCM DLP Policy.
      • (Issue) If TMCM DLP Policy that contains a Custom DLP Template or a combination of both Custom and Built-in DLP Template(s) was imported prior to the TMCM DLP Template(s), the policy will be empty.
  6. Edit each Policy and select the target Security Agents after reviewing all the settings.