
To manually uninstall PortalProtect 2.5:

  1. Stop PortalProtect services by executing following command:

    'sc stop PortalProtect_Master'
    'sc stop PortalProtect_SystemWatcher'
    'sc delete PortalProtect_Master '
    'sc delete PortalProtect_SystemWatcher'

  2. Delete the IIS virtual website 'PortalProtect Web Site' and if there is any PP related application pool, please remove it as well.
  3. Run the tool PP_Cleanup.vbs.
    Read the tool readme for how this tool should be run.
  4. Restart the PortalProtect server.
  5. After restarting, delete the PortalProtect install folder. Normally, it is C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\PortalProtect.
  6. Try to install PortalProtect 2.5 again. If it fails, please collect the installation CDT logs and C:\PP_Cleanup.log.