To create the CSR, do the following step from the Linux SPS Server:
- Login to the Linux SPS Server using root account:
Click the image to enlarge.
- Check the Linux SPS Server's FQDN, for example:
Click the image to enlarge.
- Generate the RSA Key.
- Create CSR with the RSA private key (output is on PEM format). Use the command below, for example:
openssl req -new -sha256 -key ~/<FQDN>.ssl/<FQDN>.key -out ~/<FQDN>.ssl/<FQDN>.csr
When prompted, provide the necessary information for creating a CSR.
Click the image to enlarge.
- Verify your CSR by runnning the following command, for example:
openssl req -noout -text -in ~/<FQDN>.ssl/<FQDN>.csr
Click the image to enlarge.
- You can use any SCP tool to copy the CSR file from the Linux SPS Server to your local drive. Submit the CSR file to a certificate authority.
Click the image to enlarge.