To delete unnecessary files, perform the steps below:
- Use the Disk Cleaner tool to automatically remove backup files, log files and unused pattern files.
- Manually delete the pattern files that the tool failed to remove. Do the following:
- Stop the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service on the Windows Services Console. (Services.msc)
- Remove all files located in the ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\spsc\activeupdate folder.
- Navigate to ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\spsc\conf\, and delete the following:
- db1*
- db2*
- attr*
Delete other files that has the "db" prefix (e.g. db1-shm, db1-wal, db2-shm,db2-wal, etc.). - Get a copy of the db1, db2 and attr files:
- Copy from: ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\spsc\support\
- Place to: ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\spsc\conf\
- Open a command prompt with administrator privilege, then change the directory to Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\WSS\spsc\bin.
- Execute the following commands:
- activeindex -i
- attributetool -i
- Make sure there is at least 5GB free disk space.
- Start the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service on the Windows Services Console (Services.msc).
- Perform a manual update of the Security Server.
- Stop the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service on the Windows Services Console (Services.msc).
- Go to the ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\ folder.
- Open the UpdatePattern.ini file using a text editor like Notepad.
- Under [GenBFDiff] section, change the following values:
- MaxDiff = 12
- KeepPtn = 4
- Save and close the file.
- Except for the latest 2 patterns, delete the content of the following folders:
- ..\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\spsc\pattern\crcz
- ..\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\spsc\pattern\itbl
- Start the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service on the Windows Services Console (Services.msc).
- Perform a manual update of the Worry-free Security Server.