
To enable record all scan fail log, follow the steps below:

  1. Modify the configuration files:
    1. After applying hotfix build 1269, open the following configuration files:
      • 32-bit NS: “C:\Program Files\Trend\SProtect\SPLog.conf”
      • 64-bit NS: “C:\Program Files\Trend\SProtect\x64\SPLog.conf”
    2. Modify the string value “error” to “warning”.
    3. Restart the “spntsvc” service .
    4. Check the “sp_scan_fail.log” in the following path:
      • 32-bit NS: “C:\Program Files\Trend\SProtect\SpntLog\”
      • 64-bit NS: “C:\Program Files\Trend\SProtect\x64\SpntLog\”
      This log file will be backed up daily and the default maximum backup is 30 days.
  2. Configure the maximum backup days:
    1. Open the Registry Editor, and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\ServerProtect\CurrentVersion\SpntService.
    2. Add the following key:
      Name: “ScanFailLogMaxBackupDays”
      Type: DWORD
      Value: [backup days]
    3. Restart the “spntsvc” service.