To exclude a specific Application Type from Recommendation scans
These steps can be followed on either Policy or on a specific computer and will ensure you continue to benefit from recommendation scans and have protection against any new vulnerabilities, with all rules in this application type being excluded from the future recommendation scans.
1. Open the Policy (or Computer).
2. In the left pane, click Intrusion Prevention.
3. Click Assign/Unassign.
4. Find an IPS Rule that has the Application Type that should be excluded from Recommendation and right click on it. Select 'Application Type Properties' (not 'Application Type Properties (Global)').
5. Click on the Options tab.
6. From the drop-down menu, select 'Yes' and click OK.
7. You may now close any open windows.
Note: If you have not performed any other modifications to settings in the IPS module, the ‘Save’ button will be greyed out. This is normal, no other save actions are required and you may simply close the browser window.