
The Last Changed time stamp is the date when the security update Status changed. It does not refer to the date the security update Version changed nor the time the last update ran.

Take for example the following scenario:

For an updated Deep Security Relay and Deep Security Agent, the Status is Up-to-Date. When the Deep Security Manager notifies the Deep Security Relay and Deep Security Agent to download new update, the Deep Security Relays will always run the update first. Once the Deep Security Relay downloads the new update successfully and immediately, the status will remain as Up-to-Date and the Last Changed timestamp will not change.

For the Deep Security Agent, it will get new updates from Deep Security Relay. The Status of Deep Security Agent will change to Out-of-Date while it is waiting for its turn to run the update after the Deep Security Relay update is completed. The change in the status from Up-to-date to Out-of-date will then update the information displayed on the Last Changed field. Once the update is complete, it will change again the timestamp on the Last Changed field since the Status will change again from Out-of-date to Up-to-date.