Policy deployment from Apex Central to Apex One Endpoint Sensor fails and returns the following error:
System Error. Error ID:-1
Some issues can be seen in the following logs:
- In the Apex One_ofcdebug.log located at ...\Trend Micro\Apex One\PCCSRV\Log\
2019 12/03 13:43:56 [1530 : 0104] (00) (F) [-iESServer-][TrendMicroEndpointSensorService.exe][APIHelper.FastChannelHelper][RunAPI] RunAPI fail.handlerId=HANDLER_ID_UNKNOWN,msgId=0x650011, agentGuid=ED721189-1583-4EE6-831B-3F73956CB04A - [FastChannelHelper.cs(386)]
2019 12/03 13:46:57 [1b7c : 0094] (00) (F) [-iESServer-][TrendMicroEndpointSensorService.exe][PluginUtil.PlugTask][DoTask] Invalid redis memory size.[CreateServerPolicyTask.cs(114)]
2019 12/03 13:48:24 [1530 : 00c6] (00) (F) [-iESServer-][TrendMicroEndpointSensorService.exe][APIHelper.FastChannelHelper][RunAPI] RunAPI fail. handlerId=HANDLER_ID_UNKNOWN, msgId=0x650012, agentGuid=FDB6D0CF-0A85-4DB6-8292-47B099FB6073 - [FastChannelHelper.cs(386)]
2019 12/03 13:48:25 [1b7c : 0091] (00) (F) [-iESServer-][TrendMicroEndpointSensorService.exe][Service.Service1][ProcMsg] Process message failed.msgId=6619154,exception=System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
- In the Apex Central_diagnostic.log located at ...\Control Manager\WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\log\Diagnostic.log.
errCode = 420
errMessage = Proxy execution failed
Root Cause Analysis
This issue occurs because the memory size of REDIS is invalid.
As a workaround to avoid this issue, adjust the maximum memory size of REDIS for Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor. Do the following steps:
Due to present limitation, the memory usage of REDIS can only be increased.
- Stop Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor Server service:
Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor Service
- Update REDIS config value in Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor database:
SET[Value] = 8192
WHERE[Key] like '%/TMSL/Redis/MaxMemorySizeInMB%'
The figure "8192" means 8192 MB for REDIS, and "ApexOne-iES" is the sample database name.
To query the current REDIS value:
SELECT TOP (1000) [Id],[Category],[Key],[Value],[TimeStamp]
FROM [ApexOne-iES].[dbo].[Setting]
where [Key] like '%/TMSL/Redis/MaxMemorySizeInMB%'
- Start Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor Server service:
Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor Service
- To verify, check if SSO function works. Re-deploy the policy and check it again.
Log Collection
- Collect CDT Logs by following this KB article.
- Apex Central Server CDT
- Apex One Server CDT
- Submit support ticket to Technical Support.