The following issues are experienced when deploying policies from Apex Central:
- Timeout is encountered when deploying policies to the following Apex One features:
- Application Control
- Endpoint Sensor
- Vulnerability Protection
- "Error Code: System error. Error ID: -1" appears during Policy Deployment
Root Cause Analysis
- In the Apex Central diagnostic.log, located at ...\Control Manager\WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\log, Error code 28 can be seen:
2020-01-28 14:30:45,737,DEBUG,null,null,[modOSCE IVPProxy][send_policy]URL =
https://[Apex One FQDN]:4343/officescan_ivp/command
2020-01-28 14:30:45,737,DEBUG,null,null,[modOSCE IVPProxy][send_policy]param =
"policyGUID":"0a5bd0f0-ca0f-4cf7-8307-752627eebf7a","policyVersion":"2020-01-28 06:29:49"
2020-01-28 14:30:55,737,DEBUG,null,null,[HTTPTALK]Failed error code:28
2020-01-28 14:30:55,737,DEBUG,null,null,[HTTPTALK]Failed reason:Connection timed out after 10016 milliseconds
2020-01-28 14:30:55,737,DEBUG,null,null,[modOSCE IVPProxy][send_policy]Send() failed,
error message = Connection timed out after 10016 milliseconds
- The Activation Code seen in the Ofcserver.ini file and ivp_server0.log file are different:
- In the Ofcserver.ini file located at ...\Trend Micro\Apex One\PCCSRV\Private:
- In the ivp_server0.log file located at ...\Trend Micro\Apex One\iServiceSrv\iVP:
2020 01/28 14:30:47 [25d0 : 1e78] (00) (D) [iVP Handler][w3wp.exe]HandleRequest -
strResponse content: {"name":"OSFResponse","result_code":0,"query_id":"OSF_ONQUERY_PR_AC_AND_LICENSE_PROFILE","product_id":"OSF_IPRODUCT_IVP","result_data"{"type":"OSF_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE_DATA","content":[{"pr_ac_key":"AP-9UFG-HWYPJ-XXXXX-9RARW-XXXXX-YTKSJ","pr_ac_profile":"01011B0A630F1C1D120D030A1018006E081463081B080D1D0968170B030E1109101B0A630F1C1D120D030A1018006E081463081B080D1D0968170B030E11091077A39C754890FF7397694872C6B17801"}]}[ivphandler.cpp(152)]
Based from the findings above, the timeout issue occurs because the Activation Code from Apex Central is different with the one in ofcserver.ini of Apex One.
To resolve the issue, kindly follow the steps below:
- Specify the valid Activation Code key of the Apex One feature (Application Control, Vulnerability Protection or Endpoint Sensor).
- Deploy those keys from Apex Central web console > Administration > License Management > Managed Products.
- To verify, wait for "Activated Products" column to have a value of 1.
- Deploy the policy.
If the issue persists: