
There are two options to resolve this issue:

  1. Install latest Apex One (hot fix 2022 or higher) patch available.
    The hot fix can be obtained from the Apex One Download Center page.
  2. Add the Windows account to the IIS_IUSRS group to obtain the correct permissions.
    1. On the Apex One server computer, navigate to "<Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\SQL".
    2. Double-click the SQLTxfr.exe application to run the tool.
    3. Provide the authentication credentials for the SQL Server database.
      The user account must belong to the local administrator group or AD built-in administrator.
  3. Click Start to apply the configuration changes.

For further reference on the database configuration, refer to this article:
Configuring the SQL Server Database Connection

  1. Open IIS Manager, click Application Pools under the OfficeScan server, and choose "OfficeScanAppPool". You should see Advanced Settings on the right.

    App Pools

  2. Open Advanced Settings, and set "Enable 32-Bit Application" to false.

    Adv Settings

  3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for "OfficeScanOSFAppPool".
  4. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Apex One\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web\CGI, and look for the isapiClient.dll file.
  5. Check the file size of "isapiClient.dll", to identify which is currently in use:
    If it is the same with the size of "isapiClientX86.dll", it means you are using isapiClient.dll 32-bit.

    Check Size

  6. Rename "isapiClientx64.dll" to "isapiClient.dll", and replace it.
  7. Change the value of ISAPI_Extension_X64 in ofcscan.ini:
    1. Go to ..\PCCSRV\Private\, and open the ofcserver.ini file.
    2. Search for the [ISAPI_EXTENSION] section.
    3. Set the value of ISAPI_Extension_X64 to "1".
  8. Using Services.msc, restart the Apex One Master Service and IIS Admin Service.