
To install the BundledJava, do the following:

  1. Create a backup/snapshot of the current state of the TMSM server.
  2. Download the Open JRE from

    Java bilds

    The older version (8u212-b04) will also work.
  3. Extract the downloaded package to local disk (e.g. c:\zulu8.38.0.13-ca-jre8.0.212-win_x64), and then rename the folder to "BundledJava".
  4. Copy the BundledJava folder to the OfficeScan folder.
  5. Open Command Prompt with admin permission, and run the following command to stop all Plugin manager service:
    net stop ofcaosmgr
  6. Configure the following Environment Variables in "System variables"
    • "JAVA_HOME" set to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\BundledJava"
    • "CLASSPATH" set to ".;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\dt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar"
    • "Path" set to add "%JAVA_HOME%\bin"

    System Variables

  7. Proceed with installation of Apex One (Mac) Plugin.