To install the BundledJava, do the following:
- Create a backup/snapshot of the current state of the TMSM server.
- Download the Open JRE from
The older version (8u212-b04) will also work.
- Extract the downloaded package to local disk (e.g. c:\zulu8.38.0.13-ca-jre8.0.212-win_x64), and then rename the folder to "BundledJava".
- Copy the BundledJava folder to the OfficeScan folder.
- Open Command Prompt with admin permission, and run the following command to stop all Plugin manager service:
net stop ofcaosmgr
- Configure the following Environment Variables in "System variables"
- "JAVA_HOME" set to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\BundledJava"
- "CLASSPATH" set to ".;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\dt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar"
- "Path" set to add "%JAVA_HOME%\bin"
- Proceed with installation of Apex One (Mac) Plugin.