
To resolve this, generate new set of OfcOSF certificates

  1. Remove the current OSF certificates and generate a new set of certificates.
    1. Manually delete the following certificates:

      Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates > OfcOSFWebAppRootCA

      Root Certificate

      Trusted People > Certificates > OfcOSFWebApp

      Trusted People Certificate

      OfcOSF > Certificates > OfcOSFWebApp

      OSF Certificate

    2. Rebuild the certificate by running the command:

      OfcSvcConfig.exe -FuncId InstallOSFCertificate -server_pccsrv_dir_path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Apex One\PCCSRV" -osf_cert_password trend -apppoolname OfficeScanOSFAppPool -output_file "C:\Windows\OFCMAS1.LOG"

    Open the Ccmmand protmpt as administrator and navigate to ...\Trend Micro\Apex One\PCCSRV\. The password is "trend".
  2. Check the IIS setting for osfwebapp site.
    1. Open IIS Manager.
    2. Ensure the setting "Require SSL" is enabled on the following sites.


    3. Select Require SSL.
    4. Select Accept under Client certificates.

      SSL Settings