- Check the description of the error why the activation failed. Most of the time, the problem is self-explanatory.
- Check if there is any network issue. Telnet Workload Security URL on Agent machine:
telnet app.deepsecurity.trendmicro.com 443
- Check the DSA and make sure that it is not activated or registered to another Deep Security Manager (DSM). To check if DSA is activated or not, you may open the certificate file, ds_agent_dsm.crt from:
- Windows: C:\ProgramData\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent\dsa_core
- Linux: /var/opt/ds_agent/dsa_core
Go to the Details tab to verify the manager where the agent is activated from.
If the DSM where it is registered is no longer available, deactivate the DSA:
- On Agent machine, open a Command prompt. Change directory to the DSA: ".../Trend Micro/Deep Security Agent" on Windows platform, or "/opt/ds_agent" on Linux platform.
- Type command "dsa_control –r" to reset and deactivate the agent. The message "Agent reset successfully" appears after successfully completing the command.
- You may activate the DSA from the Cloud One Workload Security web console or via command line.
- Log on to Workload Security console. Navigate to Administration > System Settings > Agents. Make sure both "Allow Agent-Initiated Activation" and "re-activate the existing computer" are ticked.
- On Agent machine change the directory to DSA:
- (Windows) .../Trend Micro/Deep Security Agent
- (Linux) /opt/ds_agent
- Type command "dsa_control -a dsm://:/ "tenantID:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" "token:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" ".
To find the appropriate values for and, in the Workload Security console, go to Support > Deployment Scripts, and scroll to the end of the script that is generated. Copy the tenantID and token values. - Log on to Workload Security console. Navigate to Administration > System Settings > Agents. Make sure both "Allow Agent-Initiated Activation" and "re-activate the existing computer" are ticked.
- Refer to Error: Activation Failed for more activation-failed error types.
- If above steps are unable to resolve the issue, please contact Trend Micro support team.