If the package (this may happen to both Windows and Linux) is already imported in the DSM (under Administation > Updates > Software > Local) and you still cannot download the right files, check the relay if the package exists there or not. Refer to the following locations:
- Windows: C:\ProgramData\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent\relay\www\dsa
- Linux: /var/opt/ds_agent/relay/www/dsa
Download the package that you see on the DSM or download it from Trend Micro Download Center, and import the package on to those directories and restart the agent service.
Current Relay packages:
Manually import the package in that directory and restart the agent:
After doing so, for the affected agents, perform a send policy, check status, and/or a manual heartbeat. If all recommendations still do not fix the issue for the affected agents, perform a reactivation or reinstallation.