
To generate the report:

  1. Sign in to the Trend Micro Customer Support Portal.
  2. Choose New Request.
  3. Under the Submit a request or inquiry section, select the options applicable for your account and/or product:

    Select Product

  4. Select the Compliancy Report option under the Issue Type section.

    Compliance Report

  5. Download the Extraction Tool and store it to the computer. Please make sure that the computer launching the tool can connect to the Deep Security Manager web console.

  6. Unzip and execute the DSExtractionTool_v1.exe, further instructions are included in the README.txt. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete.

    After a few minutes, it will complete the compliancy scan of your Deep Security server. It will create a zipped folder (e.g.

  7. Upload this zipped folder to the New Request form page from earlier, and then click Submit.

  8. On the Request Sent pop-up message, take note of the case number off the new Support Case that has been created.

  9. View the status of the support case under in MySupport > Support Requests.

  10. Check your mailbox as you will receive an email notification once the report has been generated and is ready for download.

  11. Download the report in PDF file under Support Requests > File Attachments.

You may review the PDF file DeepSecurity_Compliancy_Report generated as a sample for this article.