
To increase the maximum upload size for forensic data, do the following:

Before proceeding, make sure that you are running Apex One on-premise patch 4 build 9113 or later.
  1. Open command prompt with administrator privilege on Apex One server.
  2. Switch the working directory to {Apex One Server installation folder}\PCCSRV.
  3. Execute the following commands:
    SVRSVCSETUP -SF_ConfigDLPForensic UploadForensicDataSizeLimitInMb 150
    SVRSVCSETUP -SF_ConfigDLPForensic RejectDownloadOnFileSizeInMb 150
    SVRSVCSETUP -SF_ConfigDLPForensic maxAllowedContentLength 200000000
    SVRSVCSETUP -SF_ConfigDLPForensic uploadReadAheadSize 150000000
    SVRSVCSETUP -SF_QueryDLPForensic

Optionally, it is recommended to further configure the agent behavior. This is to avoid having too many connections with huge DLP forensic data upload, which can impact server capacity. Perform the following configuration:

  1. Open {Apex One Server installation folder}\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini using a text editor.
  2. Go to the [Global Setting] section, and add the following keys:
  3. Open {Apex One Server installation folder}\PCCSRV\Private\vdi.ini using a text editor.
  4. Search for the [TaskController] section, and Add the following keys: Controller_04_MaxRunningSeconds=600
  5. Login to the Apex One web console, the go to Agents > Global Settings.
  6. Click Save to deploy this setting to agents.

Since Apex One server will send DLP forensic data to Apex Central server, it is necessary to change IIS and PHP settings on Apex Central server to accept large files from Apex One. Do the steps below:

  1. Open IIS Manager on Apex Central server.
  2. Select Apex Central web site. By default it is the "Default Web Site".
  3. Double click Request Filtering.
  4. Click Rules tab and click Edit Feature Settings on right panel.
  5. Change Maximum allowed content length (Bytes) to 1024000000.
  6. Open {Apex Central installation folder}\PHP\PHP.ini with text editor.
  7. Find "Memory_limit" and "Post_max_size" and change it as following: