
To review the SSL certificate, go to the Apex One server where the Apex One (Mac) plugin is installed, and then proceed to the sections below:

To check on the certificate expiry date, perform the following:

  1. Open IIS Manager.
  2. Select the OfficeScan site.

    OfficeScan site

  3. Click on the Bindings... link located on the right side.

    Sire Bindings

  4. Select the entry for https, then click on Edit.

    Site Bindings details

  5. You will see the currently used certificate under SSL Certificate.

    Edit Site Bindings

  6. Verify that the certificate is still valid by looking at the Expiration Date.

    Confirm Expiry Date

To renew the certificate, perform the following:

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Change the path to ...\Trend Micro\Apex One\PCCSRV.
  3. Run the following command:
    svrsvcsetup.exe –GenIISCert

    Command Prompt

  4. Open Certificate Manager under MMC Snap-in.
  5. Delete the expired certificate.

    Delete Certificate

  6. Open IIS Manager.
  7. Select the OfficeScan Site.
  8. Click on the Bindings... link.
  9. Select the entry for https and click on edit.
  10. On Edit Site Bindings, click on Select.

    Edit Site Binding

  11. Select the new certificate based on Expiration Date.

    New Certificate

  12. Click on OK.
  13. On Edit Site Bindings, click on OK.