Package Download and Readme
Trend Micro recommends customers to apply this Patch 4 Build 9120 if not yet upgraded.
Customers who previously applied Patch 4 build 9113, it is advised to install Build 9120 as well.
For customers who not yet able to apply Patch 4 Build 9120 but want to fix this issue, do the following for manual recovery:
- On Apex One server, go to {Apex One Server installation folder}\PCCSRV\CmAgent\ and extract ProductInfo.xml from
- Edit ProductInfo.xml with text editor, find “<ProductVersionInfo TargetVersion="14.0" MenuVersion="1.2" Language="en_US">” and change MenuVersion from 1.2 to 1.5.
- Compress again with revised ProductInfo.xml
- Open {Apex One Server installation folder}\PCCSRV\CmAgent\Product.ini with text editor.
- Find MenuVersion=1.3 and change it to 1.5, save and exit.
- Restart Apex One Apex Central Agent service.
- Try to deploy policy from Apex Central and see if the issue resolved.
For support assistance, please contact Trend Micro Technical Support