
To uninstall Apex One (Mac) agent using the available uninstaller in the console:

  1. Download the Apex One (Mac) Uninstallation File. For instructions, click the product that you are using below:
    1. Log in to the Apex One web console.
    2. Click Plug-ins.
    3. Scroll down to Apex One (Mac) and click Manage Program.
    4. Go to Agents > Agent Setup Files.
    5. Click on the URL under Agent Uninstallation File.

      Agent Uninstallation File

      A file named will be downloaded.

    1. Log in to the Apex One as a Service web console.
    2. Go to Directories > Product Servers.
    3. Click on the URL that has the Display Name for Apex One (Mac) as a Service.

      Display Name for Apex One (Mac) as a Service

    4. Go to Agents > Agent Setup Files.
    5. Click on the URL under Agent Uninstallation File.

      Agent Uninstallation File

      A file named will be downloaded.

  2. Extract

    A file named Apex One (Mac) Security Agent Uninstaller should be seen.

  3. Run Apex One (Mac) Security Agent
  4. Click Open in the next window.

    Display Name for Apex One (Mac) as a Service

  5. On the Uninstall Apex One (Mac) Security Agent, click Uninstall.

    Display Name for Apex One (Mac) as a Service

  6. Enter the Uninstall Password and click Continue.

    Display Name for Apex One (Mac) as a Service

    Should you not be aware of the uninstall password, please open a case with Trend Micro Technical Support and provide the serverinfo.plist located in /Library/Application Support/TrendMicro/common/conf/ServerInfo.plist.
  7. Wait for the uninstallation to complete.

    Display Name for Apex One (Mac) as a Service

  8. Click Close.

    Display Name for Apex One (Mac) as a Service

For any further concerns, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.

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