
Here is the list of identified kernel support package(KSP) that may cause the unexpected server reboot issue:

  • SUSE12 - 20.0.0-2734
  • RHEL8 - 20.0.0-2745
  • RHEL8 - 20.0.0-2760
  • RHEL6 - 20.0.0-2756
  • Oracle Linux7 - 20.0.0-2758
  • Ubuntu16.04 - 20.0.0-2759


To verify the issue.

When a user encounter crash/reboot issue, check the following error in call track (dmesg) and verify if the ssl_encrypted_verify function caused the reboot.

  • ssl_encrypted_verify+0x17/0x50 [dsa_filter]


  • ssl_encrypted_verify+0x33/0x60 [dsa_filter]

This issue may not immediately occur. and it is recommended to verify if you are using the faulty KSP release. 
Note: If you are not encountering the issue, it is highly recommended to ensure you are running the latest KSP release to prevent the issue. You may jump to step 4 to check and driver info in your Linux server. 

To resolve this issue:

  1. Make sure you have the latest Kernel Support Package, Login to your manager web console and go to  Administration > Updates > Software > Local.
  2. Verify that you have the minimum kernel support package or higher.
    1. Minimum Kernel Support Package that includes the fix: 
  3. Go to the Computers Tab, select the target computers. Right-Click, go to Actions and  click Send Policy.
  4. SSH to the target computer
  5. run "cat /proc/driver/dsa/info" and check if KSP version is between and 
  6. Restart the agent service.

       run "sudo service ds_agent restart"

  7. Verify that the new kernel has been update, run "cat /proc/driver/dsa/info" again and check if KSP version has been upgraded to or above
If the steps above fail, please proceed to deactivate and reactivate the agent. 
        1. From the Computer list, Go to the computer properties. 
        2. Go to the overview, Go to Actions Tab. and click the deactivate
        3. Click Activate
        4. Check the driver if updated. run "cat /proc/driver/dsa/info" 
It is IMPORTANT to restart the ds_agent service to apply the new KSP in the agent