  1. Access the Trend Micro Email Security web console.
  2. Go to Inbound Protection, then navigate to the policy you would like to configure the exclusion.
  3. Select the Policy that was triggered by the email.
  4. Go to Recipients and Senders > Exceptions.
  5. Under Sender and Recipient fields, type the email address or domain of the sender on the field to exclude them from the policy as shown below:

    Recipient and Sender

    Click the image to enlarge.

  6. Then, click Add. Once this has been added, you should be able to view it from the list below.

    Sample address

    Click the image to enlarge.

  7. Click Submit to save the settings.

Emails coming from Approved Senders, may still get blocked by a different policy violation. To confirm the reason for being blocked, review the Mail Tracking Logs.

You can also provide the following details when opening a Trend Micro Technical Support case.

  • NDR email notification (if there is any received in EML or MSG format)
  • Login ID/ Activation Code
  • Sender
  • Recipient
  • Timestamp
  • Subject