This workaround would require agents to be in the corporate network to receive changes.

As a workaround, do the following:

  1. Delete the existing OsceEdgeRoot certificate from Trusted Root Certification Authorities of the Local Computer account either manually or by using CertTool from the Edge Relay Service program folder "C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Apex One Edge Relay\OfcEdgeSvc":

    CertTool -d Root LocalMachine OsceEdgeRoot

  2. Recreate the OsceEdgeRoot certificate using makecert utility as follows:

    makecert -n CN=OsceEdgeRoot -r -pe -a sha256 -len 2048 -ss Root -sr LocalMachine -cy authority

  3. Renew the website and OsceOPA certificates:

    ofcedgecfg.exe --cmd renewcert --opacertpwd <pwd> --keeprootca

    where <pwd> is a password for exported OsceOPA certificate, free choice

  4. Unregister and re-register Edge Server to the Apex One server:

    ofcedgecfg.exe --cmd unreg --server <server_address> --port <server_port> --pwd <root_pwd>
    ofcedgecfg.exe --cmd reg --server <server_address> --port <server_port> --pwd <root_pwd>

    where <server_address>, <server_port> are hostname/ip-address and the web console port number of the Apex One server, and <root_pwd> is the root account’s password.

  5. Apex One off-premise Agents should log on to the corporate network to download and update certificates from the Apex One server.

    After switching back to off-premise mode, they will remain online.