On some environments with NGINX as proxy server, DSA recommendation scan may fail if the NGINX proxy timeout is reached before the recommendation scan finishes.
Investigating the agent logs, you should see the agent start the recommendation scan but receives a connection termination after 60 seconds:
#Received GetHostMetaData command for recommendation scan
YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.000000 [+0000]: [Cmd/5] | Received command GetHostMetaData
#timeout after 60s
YYYY-MM-DD 00:01:00.000000 [+0000]: [dsa.Heartbeat/5] | Terminating processing for connection with peer at address '' port 443
To fix the issue, increase the timeout on NGINX proxy by adding/changing the following parameters under HTTP body:
Before adding these parameters, it is suggested to test it on a non-production environment first. Please evaluate carefully if you can add these changes on your production. It is recommended to contact NGINX support for verification.
keepalive_timeout 300;
proxy_connect_timeout 300;
proxy_read_timeout 300;
proxy_send_timeout 300;
client_body_timeout 3600s;
Make sure as well to reload NGINX proxy configuration, using the following command:
nginx -s reload