
First verify whether 3rd-party antivirus programs are included in the list of competitor products that WFBS-SVC can automatically remove: List of competitor products that WFBS-SVC can automatically remove.

If the 3rd-party AV is listed, contact Trend Micro Technical Support to further assist you.

If the 3rd-party software on the target computer cannot be found in the list, Trend Micro Technical Support can assist you to include it in the WFBS-SVC agent installer by coordinating with our DEV Team to detect these antivirus programs.

Before contacting Trend Micro Technical Support, prepare the following information for further checking:

  • What is the version and build number of the 3rd party AV to be removed?
  • What type of Security Agent installation method will the customer use?
  • What is the client machine's operating system\build number?
  • Kindly provide the copy and installation guide of the 3rd party installer [32 and 64 bit].
  • In the computer that 3rd party AV installed, kindly provide the following:
    • Screenshot of the "Program and Features".
    • Screenshot of the "About" status from 3rd party AV icon.
    • Kindly export and send to us the Registry entries from this path:
      • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\...
        • [32-Bit] = Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
        • [64-Bit] = Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
      • Proceed depending on the outcome: