
Source of Patch Installers

Server Protect for Storage 6.0:

Server Protect for NetApp Filer 5.8:

Method 1: Rerun the Patch installer in the Information Server.


  1. Log on to the Information Server.
  2. Copy the downloaded patch installer in C:\temp of Information Server.
  3. Run the installer with Admin privilege account.
  4. Once completed, check the status of the affected Normal Server if program has been updated.
  5. If the program is not yet updated, wait for a couple of hours to complete the upgrade process in the target machine.

Method 2: Add the hidden key in the registry to set the frequency and to check the build version of NS for auto updates.


  1. Log on to the Information Server.
  2. Open a registry editor on the Information Server.
  3. Add the following keys and set the appropriate values.
    1. Go to the given path:

      For 32-bit Information Servers: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\ServerProtect\CurrentVersion

      For 64-bit Information Servers: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\ServerProtect\CurrentVersion

    2. Add the following keys, key type is DWORD.


      AutoUpdateNSTime= 30


      AutoUpdateNS Values:

      • 1 - enables the feature
      • 0- (default value) disables the feature

      AutoUpdateNSTime Values: This is the frequency at which the Information Server checks the build version of Normal Servers in minutes multiplied by two. The default value is 30, which means 30*2=60 minutes or 1 hour.


If issue persists, follow the steps below:


  1. Collect CDT logs from Information server and Normal server. For more information, check this KB article: Using the case diagnostic tool CDT to collect the information needed by technical support
    During Reproduction Step (Step 2), let the tool run for 2-3 minutes then turn off the debug to complete the log collection
  2. File a case in MySupport.
  3. Upload the CDT logs in the Powerbox of your case.