
Trend Micro Deep Security has worked closely with VMware to offer agentless security at the hypervisor level. This security is provided by the Deep Security Virtual Appliance. The appliance is deployed at the cluster level through NSX Manager to offer protection to VMs on the same ESXi host 


Explained that there should be no impact. Deep Security utilizes NSX to deploy the Deep Security Virtual Appliance. Since Guest Introspection and DSVAs are already deployed, NSX will only monitor the status of these VMs. As applications attempt to access files within the virtual machine, Guest Introspection system drivers detect the I/O event and send data about the file being accessed to DSVA for analysis. File scanning operation will only involve Guest Introspection and DSVA. NSX will not be involved.


For NSX server corrupted what the impact of DS security functions.

  • Due to DSM server is direct connect to NSX server for security policies sync up as the result the DSM server would got the sync up failure but no security function be interrupted.


For the NSX networking components got affected what DS be impacted:

  • If the management network between the DSM and DSVA using the NSX vxlan networking, then DSM/DSR and DSVA communication would be impact that is mean:
    1. From DSM send all commands to DSVA failure.
    2. From DSVA send all logs and event to DSM failure.
  • If the management network between the DSM and DSVA using the vsphere vDS, Portgroup or vSS, then DSM and DSVA communication would not impact.




  • Traffic between ESXi and DSM:

    This communication channel only applies during deployment of the DSVA. Any disruption to the communication during deployment will cause the deployment to fail.

  • Traffic between vCenter Server and DSM:

    Deep Security Manager uses this communication channel to receive virtual-machine related events. This includes virtual machine creation, start and stop events, and vMotion events. DSM always stays logged on to the vCenter server. Disruptions to this communication during the deployment will cause the deployment to fail. Any disruptions to this communication during normal operations will prevent the DSM from detecting the creation of new VMs and vMotion events. In addition, virtual machine status indicators on the DSM will not be updated.


The major functions of NSX with Deep Security integration:

  1. GI and DSVA deployment and health monitoring.
  2. Configure NSX security groups and policies and push these to the ESXi hosts.
  3. Sync the security policies update with DSM.


The Impact of NSX Manager to Deep Security when it goes down:

  1. Synchronization of security policies with the DSM will be impacted.
  2. Deep Security features such as Anti-Malware and Integrity Monitoring protection modules will remain in place.
  3. Deep Security component updates will not be impacted as security updates only involves the DSR and the DSVA. NSX is not involved.



GI unable to send the I/O event to DSVA that is mean DSVA doesn't receive any file I/O not impact the VM operation so that not cause the outage.


The Guest VM AM/IM security feature also no impact because GI would create new communicate channel to DSVA to forward the file I/O event to DSVA.

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