When running the deployment script on a SUSE 15 AMI provided by AWS, the customer may encounter the issue related to certificate with the following error message:
“Unable to load agent certificate for verification.”
The issue is due to the service is not started after the installation, therefore, any DSA command that is initiated will not be able to process.
To be able to install and run the Deep Security Agent on SUSE 15 AMI provided by AWS, please install the package “sysvinit-tools” before running the agent installer either using the deployment script or installer package locally.
The full command to install will be:
“sudo zypper install sysvinit-tools”
The agent will start after running the activation command:
$ sudo /opt/ds_agent/dsa_control -r $ sudo /opt/ds_agent/dsa_control -a $ACTIVATIONURL "tenantID:<tenant id> " "token:<tenant token> "