
Account risk assessment widgets integrate Active Directory data

On the Exposure Overview tab of Executive Dashboard, customers can go to the System Configuration section and scroll down to see the following three widgets: Accounts with Weak Authentication, Accounts that Increase Attack Surface Risk, and Accounts with Excessive Privilege. The first two widgets are not new, but they now integrate Active Directory (on-premises) information. The last widget, Accounts with Excessive Privilege, is brand new. All of these widgets can report both Azure AD and Active Directory misconfigurations and security risks. Customers can see account misconfiguration trend lines, and click the View details button to see which accounts contain configuration risks and view suggested remediations.


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Remediation actions

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New Security Configuration Index and Agent Version widget on the Security Configuration tab

On the Security Configuration tab, customers can see the Security Configuration Index. The Security Configuration Index is a comprehensive rating of your organization's Trend Micro endpoint protection status. The index is based on factors including agent and sensor deployment, key feature adoption, license health, and agent versions. Enhance your security configuration to lower your organization's Risk Index. Customers can also do peer comparison with organizations that have the same region, industry, and size. The new Agent Version widget allows customers to identify devices running older or end-of-life agent versions.


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