

The tools only support python 3.6 or above version.


  • Only enabled, exact matched deny SO lists are supported.
  • For URL type, only plain URL can be supported.

Steps for using the tool:

  1. Install the argparse module with the following command:

    python3 -m pip install argparse

  2. Export the SO from TMSPS and save it to a CSV file, such as tmsps.csv
  3. Convert the SO from TMSPS to a Trend Vision One-supported SO format with the following command:

    python3 ./ --src="tmsps.csv" --dst="ti.csv" --failed="failed.csv"

    This tool will generate two files. The dst value is the SO which Trend Vision One supports, and the failed value will contain the SOs that failed to convert. The tmsps.csv file is the exported file by TMSPS.
  4. Import the SO generated from the convert tool to Trend Vision One.
