To be able to view detailed connection information, download the logs from the Trend Vision One console. Follow these steps:
- Generate the Service Protection Services logs from Trend Vision One console:
- Log in to Trend Vision One and switch to Service Gateway Management.
- Choose your Service Gateway appliance. Click it to go to the details page, then click Support.
- Choose the time range and forward proxy service to collect log.
Note that for this statistics, only forward proxy service is supported.
- Click Generate Log File and wait for the logs upload to notification center.
- Download and then extract the logs package with "trend" and parse the logs:
- Extract package.
- To check FRS log, please check the Nginx_access.log file.
To check WRS log, please check the lwcs_access.log file
Note that the logs use GMT+0 time. - You can filter the agent IP address to verify whether the agent connect the Smart Connection Services. For above example, and is the agent IP.