
To assign HTTPS access for the Apex Central console:

  1. Obtain a Web Site Certificate from any certification provider (for example, or
  2. Log on to the Apex Central server.
  3. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  4. From the Connections pane on the left, select the server name.
  5. From the Features View pane in the center, double-click Server Certificates.
  6. From the Actions pane on the right, click Import...
  7. Import the Web Site Certificate obtained in step 1:
    1. Upload the certificate file.
    2. Specify the password for the certificate.
    3. Select the Certificate Store.
    4. Click OK. 
  8. From the Connections pane on the right, expand the Sites folder and select the <Web Site> created during Apex Central installation.
    If you did not a specify a custom <Web Site> name during Apex Central installation, the default <Web Site> name is Default Web Site.
  9. Right-click the <Web Site> and select Edit Bindings...
  10. Configure site bindings:
    1. Select the https type and click Edit...
    2. Select the imported certificate file from the SSL certificate drop-down list.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click Close.
  11. Configure SSL settings:
    1. Expand the <Web Site> and select the WebApp virtual directory.
    2. From the Features View pane in the center, double-click SSL Settings.
    3. Select Require SSL.
    4. From the Actions pane on the right, click Apply
  12. Specify the HTTPS port number in the following locations:
    • Registry key: HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\TVCS\WebPort
    • System configuration file: In the <Apex Central installation folder>\systemconfiguration.xml file, locate m_uiWebServer_Https_Port and set the value to the HTTPS port number.
  13. Restart the following services:
    • Trend Micro Apex Central
    • Trend Micro Management Infrastructure
    • W3WP