In general, you need to do the following steps to update a few servers for evaluation:
- You have unlocked the new Centralized Platform Capabilities for Trend Vision One; eligible users will see a blue banner on their Vision One console to initiate the update.
- Export the Policy and custom configurations from Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security to the Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection. This includes custom rules, lists, and other exportable configuration.
- Deactivate the Agent and Reactivate it on the Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection Instance.
Exporting the Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security Policy & Other Configurations
To migrate your policies, you export the policies from your Cloud One tenant account and import them to your new Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection instance.
Follow these steps:
- Login to the Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security web console > Policies
- Prepare to Export the Policies and Configuration:
- From the Policies Tab, navigate to Common Objects > Lists. Select the custom list(Directory List, File List, etc.) that you want to migrate and then click Export Selected to XML (For Import)
- Navigate to Common Objects > Rules. If you have custom Rules for each of the modules, Select the custom rules that you want to migrate and then click Export Selected to XML (For Import)
- Navigate to Policies > Export. Select the policy you want to migrate then click Export Selected to XML (For Import).
- Prepare to Import the Policies and Configuration:
- Login to the Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection instance > Policies
- To import the policy, go to Policies > Import > Import From File then choose the policy you want to migrate. Select if you want to import it under an existing policy or not. Complete the wizard to import policy, then Review the policy.
- To import the custom rules, list, or other configurations, go to the corresponding object listing and then click the drop-down menu for New and select Import From File then choose the exported file you want to migrate. Select if you want to import it.
- Review if all the imported configuration configuration is existing.
- Configure the Proxy Settings (optional if the endpoints need to use a proxy to connect externally)
- Login to the Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection instance > Administration > System Settings > Proxies
- Under Proxy Servers, Add New Proxy Server to configure your existing proxy server.
- Click Save.
- From Proxy Server Use, Select the proxy you just configured for Primary Security Update Proxy used by Agents, Appliances, and Relays
- To migrate any other configurations, you need to export the configuration such as custom rules or lists from your Trend Cloud One tenant account and then import them to your new Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection instance.
- For default settings, you do not need to export and import them. However, you need to export/import custom configurations, such as rules, lists or even policies.
Updating the Agents to Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection
To migrate the agent, you deactivate the agent in your Cloud One account and then reactivate the agent using the activation command generated from your newly created Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection instance.
Follow these steps:
- Select the agent you wish to migrate and deactivate it from the Trend Cloud One Console or via the command "dsa_control -r".
- For the complete instructions on how to deactivate the agent, see Deactivate the agent in the Trend Cloud One Help Center.
- You may also need to disable self-protection for the agent before being able to deactivate the agent. see Enable or disable agent self-protection article.
- Before reactivating the agent in your new Trend Vision One account, ensure that you have configured the firewall or proxy settings in your network configuration to allow the Trend Micro URLs for your region. See Firewall Requirements for Trend Vision One for the list of region URLs to allow on your network.
- To generate the agent activation command for the Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection instance,
- Login to your Trend Vision One Web Console
- Go to the Endpoint Security Operations > Server & Workload Protection Instance
- Go to Administration > Updates > Software > Local > Generate Deployment Scripts....
Generate the deployment script depending on the operating system. From here, you can locate the activation command which includes the TenantID and Token.
For Linux: /opt/ds_agent/dsa_control -a dsm://<manager url>: <manager port>/ "tenantID:xxxxx" "token:xxxxx" For Windows: & $Env:ProgramFiles"\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent\dsa_control -a dsm://<manager url>: <manager port>/ "tenantID:xxxxx" "token:xxxxx"
- After getting the activation command, you can run the command to activate the agent in the Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection instance. For more information on agent activation, please refer to this article.
- After you have successfully reactivated the agent, the migrated agent appears in your new Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection instance. Make sure to assign the correct Policy for the reactivated agents from the "Migrating the Agents to Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection" section.
For more details about updating your Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security to Trend Vision One, you may refer to this article.