If you are experiencing high CPU usage with the WFBS agent, follow the steps below:
- Open Task Manager and identify the Trend Micro process that has the highest CPU usage.
- Get a screenshot to be provided to the Trend Micro Engineer later.
- Feature Isolation, you can refer to the link below:
- Collect ProcMon logs.
- Download the Process Monitor tool here:
- https://live.sysinternals.com/ - ProcMon.exe for 32-bit and ProcMon64.exe for 64-bit.
- Open process monitor and press ctrl + E to pause the capture.
- Clear the windows by pressing ctrl + X.
- Once the window has cleared, press ctrl + E again and wait for at least 10 minutes while events are being captured.
- Download the Process Monitor tool here:
- After 10 mins, press Ctrl + E to stop the capture of events.
- Click Save, choose "All events" then save as "PML."