Upon checking the logs, it was found that there was an issue in connecting to ds20.icrc.trendmicro.com. Despite having whitelisted the URL, the issue persisted. The following steps were taken to resolve the issue:
- Local SPS configuration was based on the hostname showing on the SPS console which was not reachable from the server.
- SPS server IP was added and it got connected.
- Logs were checked and it was showing connected.
- The issue was then placed under observation and during the call no issue was observed regarding the SPS.
In addition to this, further details were requested with regards to out-of-date agents and upgrading. It was observed that all the agents were using the Default Relay group where no DSR was configured. To upgrade the agents, one agent was moved to a Relay Group and it was upgraded properly. Please note that moving the agent from one DSR to another DSR can only be done via the 'computers' tab. The prerequisite documentation for Port, URL and Protocol was also shared, as requested during the session.
Please check the communication ports, URLs and IP addresses at https://help.deepsecurity.trendmicro.com/20_0/on-premise/communication-ports-urls-ip.html?Highlight=Ports.