
How to turn on the browser debug log for Standard Endpoint Protection and Server & Workload Protection

Press 'F12' on the keyboard to open the browser developer tools, select Console tab then do following:

Switch debug logEnter following script in browser developer toolsExample

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How to provide the browser network activity

Follow these steps to provide screenshots (error code + error message), time, business ID, and the recording of browser network activity. The examples below use Google Chrome.

  1. Open Chrome, then log in to Trend Vison One. Press F12 to enable developer mode, and switch to the Network tab to make sure the recording is turned on and logs are preserved.

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  2. Click on the Trend Vision One app in question (using the Server & Workload Protection App as example), and load until the error page/message is displayed. New network activity should be recorded. Click the Download to export the HAR file.

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