
Below are some FAQs:

  • How long does the upgrade take?

    Normally, upgrading from Service Gateway 1.0 to 2.0 will take about 30 minutes to an hour. It will depend on the network download package. Upgrading from Service Gateway 2.0 to 3.0 will also take about 30 minutes to an hour.

    During the upgrade process, do not operate on the Trend Vision One console.
  • Is there a notification for the Service Gateway upgrade status?

    During upgrade, there will be upgrade notice on the top bar:

    Module state

    After the upgrade, there will be a message on the nofitication bell (top right).

    Module state

  • After more than a few hours upgrading from Service Gateway 1.0 to 2.0, it seems that the process hanged/froze. How do I handle this?

    First, check the Service Gateway 1.0 status. If its status is still healthy, it is more likely that Service Gateway 1.0 cannot download upgrade package. Please check the FQDN list above.

    If the Service Gateway 1.0 status changed from "healthy" to "unhealthy", log in to the Service Gateway backend, and check the upgrade progress. When upgrade is finished, you should see the Service Gateway version "2.0.X".

    Module state

    Manually register Service Gateway 2.0 and install/configure services. You may refer to the Online Help article, Managing Services in Service Gateway.

  • Service Gateway 1.0 status is "unhealthy". Can I still upgrade to Service Gateway 1.0?

    For "unhealthy" Service Gateway 1.0, currently there is no way to upgrade Service Gateway 3.0. Although you can install one new Service Gateway 3.0 and configure it. For details refer to the KB article, How to reinstall and configure Service Gateway 3.0 when Service Gateway 1.0 status is "unhealthy" in Trend Vision One.